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Breaking: government will pay up to two thirds of an employee's salary if unable to work due to local lockdowns

The Chancellor has just announced that the Job Support Scheme which starts on Sunday 1 November will provide additional support to businesses forced to close due to national or local lockdowns.

We'll have to wait for the detail, but the government's press release indicates that:

  • The government will pay two thirds of employees' salaries up to a maximum of £2,100 a month but, unlike the original scheme, employers won't have to contribute to this or top up wages (but they will have to pay NI and any pension contributions)
  • Employees must be unable to work because their workplace has been legally forced to close because of a lock down - support is not available if the business decides it's no longer viable and shuts its doors permanently
  • Employees must be off work for at least seven consecutive days
  • Payments will be made monthly in arrears
  • Organisations that have been legally closed before 1 November will be able to claim

This support will be available for six months and, like the original scheme, will be reviewed in three months time. Click here For more information about the original Job Support Scheme. 

The Chancellor also announced cash grants of up to £3,000 per month for businesses forced to close due to local lockdowns.

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Mr Sunak said: "I hope that this provides reassurance and a safety net for people and businesses in advance of what may be a difficult winter."”