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One in Three Councils in the South East have adopted CIL

The Community Infrastructure Levy is continuing its slow but steady march across the country, with news that almost a third of councils in the South East now have charging schedules adopted.

The Levy, which sits along side s.106 agreements, is a form of tax on new build development. The money raised from the levy is then used by local councils to invest in infrastructure for the local area.

Unlike s.106 agreements, which are individually negotiated, CIL is fixed at specific amounts for each type of floor space. The rates are set by the local planning authority, and can be varied depending on the type or size of development proposed. Rates also vary significantly from council to council. For example, the CIL charge on residential schemes in :

  • Portsmouth is £105 per square metre;
  • Havant is either £80 or £100 per square metre; and
  • Southampton is £70 per square metre;

Given the wide ranging variations in charges from location to location, it is worth thinking about the likely CIL charges when considering your choice of development sites.

An analysis of data compiled for Planning's CIL Watch tracker bulletin shows that nearly a third of local planning authorities in the South East have now adopted CIL charging schedules, while a further 18 per cent - including Rother and Gosport- have reached the examination stage (see infographic, below).

Gosport's neighbour, Portsmouth City Council, was the first in the South East to adopt a CIL charging schedule - and only the fourth in England to do so - in January 2012.”